Quillen’s Point Water – Cross-Connection Control Program (CCCP)

This 5-minute video is produced by HydroCorp, a qualified national consultant on controlling cross-contamination in public water systems.

New Delaware State regulations affecting the Quillen’s Point water system took effect in February, 2024, to control cross-contamination from residential garden hoses and irrigation systems, and, potentially, from other community water features such as pools, dock water, our distribution system and the like. Quillen’s Point Homeowners Association has met the state’s February deadline for submitting our compliance plan. Implementation of the plan begins this year.
This State regulation applies to all Quillen’s Point properties and to the Quillen’s Point water system. This is not an optional exercise. Penalties apply for non-compliance.
Quillen’s Point has hired a nationally and state-qualified contractor, HydroCorp of Troy, MI to assist us to comply with the law. This year, HydroCorp will conduct onsite inspections of the exterior of Quillen’s Point homes to check back flow prevention devices. HydroCorp will also inspect community connections at the marina, our wells and the water plant.
In the event non-compliant connections are found at Quillen’s Point during the inspections, owners will be required to upgrade their connections to protect the QP public water supply and to comply with the law. Owners will receive ample advance notices about the inspections and their results.

Notice received by QPHA in November, 2023